Knowing and understanding what people say to us is not an easy thing to do. We need to learn several linguistic branches such as semiotics, morphology, pragmatic and semantics. To understand someone’s utterance means to know the intended messages of that person (included the intended meaning). Semantic is the branches of linguistics. This branch is the important one, and there are lexical meaning and contextual meaning such the discussion in this research. One poem of literature is poem that can be expressed in a song. It represents a thought, a feeling and the willingness of the composer. Furthermore, a composer also has great chooses to express his idea. By listening the song, we can get knowledge about appreciates literature and the background of the song. Therefore, the researcher was interested in analyzing the kinds of meaning used in Tata Young’s songs. The researcher dedicates to give the title of this research “Semantics Analysis on The Lyrics of Tata Young’s songs”.
The problems of this study are: (1) What lexical meanings are found in the lyrics of Tata Young’s songs? (2) What contextual meanings are found in the lyrics of Tata Young’s songs?
The researcher limits the discussion of her research based on the three kinds of meaning stated above. The researcher takes five songs from the first album produced in the last of 2006 and became famous in Indonesia in 2005.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative method because the researcher would analyze and interpret the research object of Tata Young’s songs. The step to obtain the data is by collecting sources of data from Tata Young’s songs and from internet in After that she selects the songs which contain of semantic, reads and listens to the lyrics to understand the content of the songs conducts and analyzes the collected data and makes conclusion.
The results of this research are as follows: (1) related to the lexical meaning, while (2) related to the contextual meaning.
The researcher expects this research will be useful for the other researchers who are eager to know more about semantics. Moreover semantics is an important branch of linguistics that is interesting to be studied especially when it is applied to literary works, such as songs and poem. We can merge those things and make them interesting to study. We do not comprehend our skill in certain literary works, but also we can get a valuable analyzing of the song. In this way, the reason of the researcher chooses this topic
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